
On the Slate...

For those who haven't heard, Columbia, SC will be hosting a pretty cool convention this year called Cola Con (what else would it be called?).  It's only a one day event, but there's going to be a great culture smash of hip-hop and comics.  We'll even have Tailib Kweli performing!  It's going to be rad.  Anyways, I'm doing one of a set of poster illustrations done by by several artists, including Sanford Greene and Jim friggin Mahfood!  We're all doing Captain America drawings.  While I'm sure mine wont' be nearly as good as the other guys throwing in, here's a work in progress of my contribution.


nightswimming said...

mike....you're still alive!

and you're still one of the coolest guys I know.

Earl-Leigh said...

Woooo! I'll be there. Just don't sign me up to do anything. ;)