So last year, I decided to throw together a 5 page sequential to show how I handle storytelling in different situations. Editors want to see how you handle slow scenes, background, action, etc. By no means does it compare to any of the people that I look up to, and I'm actually slightly embarrassed to show it, but this is an art blog and I want to show off everything from the crappy to the slightly less crappy. The thing I was impressed with is the fact that I inked all 5 pages in one night. Even the drawing style was different for me, but I was just experimenting and trying to have fun. Note to self: NEVER pull an all-nighter when you work a full-time job doing graphic design. My brain was absolute mush.
There's no words here, but it's a basic story that anybody can follow (or at least I REALLY hope so). Take a guess at what video game I had been playing a few days prior to drawing the monster.